Because few trainees concentrate on sets consisting of four reps, nobody seems to care much about what their 4RM would be.īodybuilders and other trainees interested in hypertrophy will probably be aware of their rep intensities. If you do, you have probably discovered that your maximum at any repetition range is fairly predictable once the 1RM is known.

Some of you may also keep track of your maximums at other repetition ranges, such as your 3RM or 5RM. You all are probably aware of your 1RM in all of the lifts important in your training, regardless of whether that be weightlifting, powerlifting, bodybuilding, or general strength training. It allows you to read through a workout routine and get a pretty good idea of how heavy or light a particular day in the gym is going to be. When you delve into the intricacies of exercise physiology, it becomes clear that intensity is not so easily calculated.īut the percentage system is a good rule of thumb. Good luck! Vincepac June 26,pm RampantBadger June 27,am Get the point? Both men ridicuously strong, but different.Ever since the s, weight trainers on this side of the Atlantic have been accustomed to measure training intensity as a percentage of one-repetition maximum shortened to 1RM. So you fucked up your weight lifting program by lifting too much weight? Dunno what you are talking about. You doing it strongly indicates its possibility. It sounds like it is possible as you just did it. Platz who maxed out at Just wanted to know because I did 5x5 with kg on squats couple weeks ago but today I failed to do kg for a 1RM and after that attempt I even failed to do kg… I hope you guys can share your experience. Platz squatted for 23 reps and Hatfield squatted the same weight for 11 reps. Some time ago Tom Platz and Fred Hatfield had a friendly squat competition. Depeds on the individuals muscle fiber type, CNS recruitmenet efficiency, experience, technique, training style, etc. Vincent Yeah I was thinking this today as well. If you want to accurately test your 1rm, you need to peak properly for it.Īs youve found out the difference between 5x5 training weight and actual 1RM varies a lot between individuals and those max calculators are just a loose guide. Using the weight you can do 5x5 with to determine a 1rm seems kind of backwards. You see? Then I said that it also could had been a bad day but I doubt that. Were you looking for help with a solution to that, or did you just want to know if the feat you recently performed was possible? I was asking because you said it fucked up your program a bit in the post you just wrote. Your max single is the heaviest single you actually lift. Just wanted to know because I did 5x5 with kg on squats couple weeks ago but today I failed to do kg for a 1RM and after that attempt I even failed to do kg….